Slow Down (April 2024)

Speed is important in business. Nearly a decade ago it was the topic of one of my newsletters, simply titled Speed. I love to go fast.  My top driving speed is 145 MPH in a Ferrari 488 GTB at SpeedVegas …


Power User (July 2023)

Companies use multiple pieces of software, some simple and some quite complex. And for every one of them, especially those that are complex, there needs to be a power user in the company who knows the software like the back …


Disparate Pieces of Advice (October 2022)

It’s nice when you seek expert advice from several sources and end up with consistent recommendations that both make intuitive sense and are in line with research you’ve done. But that doesn’t always happen; so what do you do when …


Present or Engaged? (August 2021)

“Bueller, Bueller, Bueller.”  I suspect a number reading this remember that line.  It’s, of course, from the movie, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.  Those who’ve seen the movie know that Ferris Bueller’s classmates, while physically present, were anything but engaged. While …


The Worker (February 2021)

Last week, I had the opportunity to tour a new client’s production facility. I always enjoy these days. It’s a great way to learn about what goes into making a product. While I won’t develop the expertise and understanding of …


Improve The Situation (June 2020)

I often find myself asking, “What can I do to improve the situation?”  Whatever state of affairs you find yourself in, that’s a good starting place. Ultimately, whether in your work or personal life, if you can leave any situation …
