Your Cash Is Flowing Are you a financially savvy entrepreneur? When you run a company, no matter its size, what you don't know can hurt your bottom line. In Your Cash is Flowing, financial expert Ken Homza presents a crash course in what you should know about the financial side of your business. Sharing real-world stories of his experiences with over thirty companies across a wide range of industries, Homza shares a wealth of information in an accessible, conversational writing style.

How Effective Is Your Monthly Financial Review Meeting

Does your organization have a monthly financial review meeting? Ken discusses why every company should have one and how to make them effective.

What Does Your Technology Say About You?

In today’s podcast, Ken speaks on improving productivity by keeping software and equipment current.

What Is A New Customer Worth To You?

Ken explains how to determine the profitability of each of your clients.

The Value Of Scale In Your Business

Are you limited in your thinking? Ken discusses ways to think big!

How Do Others Perceive Your Business?

In looking at your business from the outside in, Ken asks if your perception is reality.

Conclusion-Looking At Your Business From The Outside In

Action is critical to the success of your business. In the final podcast in the series “Looking At Your Business From The Outside In,” Ken asks what decisive actions you will take to grow your business.

If You Don’t Have a CFO – This is Why You Need One

Ken explains the benefits of investing in a professional CFO.  

What is the Homza Value Pyramid?

Ken discusses the benefits of the Homza Value Pyramid.  

My Best Advice for Business Owners

Ken explains what a business model is and how you can create one for your company.  

The Key Reason for a Company’s Financial Problems

Ken explains the key reason behind financial problems and what to do about it.